Clinical Monitoring Protocols in TechCare® allows you to enter patients into specific services that relate to their individual needs. Additionally, it allows for you to enter individualized notes per patient should the need for client specific documentation arise. To access this screen, click the Group Management option from the Global Menu, then click Clinical Monitoring Protocols.
The system displays the Clinical Monitoring Protocols screen, where you first choose the Type of Group Management from the dropdown menu.
When you select a Group Management Type from the list, the system displays all patients in that particular group. Group Management Types you can choose from include:
You can use any of the following Filters to further narrow your search:
- Housing – Use the dropdown menu to select the housing location unit. Only the housing locations of patients that have been added to the list based on Group Type will be available for selection.
- Search – Use this field to search for specific patient in the list.
- Projected Release Date – Patients are automatically populated into this queue when their projected release date is within a certain timeframe.
- Past Due – Select this checkbox if you want to view only the patients in the list who are past due.
- Order by Housing – Select this checkbox to filter all results in the list by Housing Location.
- Export – Click this button if you want to download the list.
- Filter – Click this button to refresh the list with any filters you’ve applied.
Action menu
You can use the Action dropdown menu next to the Patient Name to do any of the following options:
- Edit – Click this option if you need to edit the admission for the patient.
- View History – Select this option to view the historical Progress Note.
- Add Note – Click this option to choose which type of Note you want to add. You can add a Quick Note, SOAP-E Note, Discharge Planning, MH Discharge Checklist, or Release Summary.
- Discharge – Select this option to make selections for various discharge options.
- Print – Click this option to print a detailed list of patients.
- Print for Officer – Select this option to print a list of patients for the officer. This list will not contain any personal health information.
Add Patient
You can enroll a patient to a group using the Add Patient (1) button. The system displays the Admit Patient screen. Select the Group Type (2) from the dropdown menu, then type the patient’s name in the Search (3) box or scroll down the list to select the patient you want to add.
Complete either a Quick Note or SOAP-E Note (4) for the patient to add them to the queue, then click Admit.