TechCare Manual - New Mexico Customizations

Admissions Process

You will complete a set process of assessments and forms on a patient through the Admissions Process. Patients are added to either the Medical/Mental Health Admissions Queue or the Behavioral Health Admissions Queue via one of the following methods:

  • When a new chart is created via the OMNI demographics feed
  • Completing a General Informed Consent form (Medical/Mental Health) or a Behavioral Health RDC Intake Interview (Behavioral Health) form for a patient

To access either of these queues, click the Admissions Process option from the Global Menu and select the appropriate queue.

For more information about each queue, click one of the links below:

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Medical/Mental Health Admissions Queue

You can easily view which part(s) of the admissions process still needs to be completed for a patient in the Medical/Mental Health Admissions Queue. From the Global Menu, click on Admissions Process, then select the Medical/Mental Health option. The system displays the Medical/Mental Health Admissions Queue, as shown below. You can use the filters at the top of the screen to filter your patient list.

You can adjust the Time Window field to narrow your list by patients who have been added to the queue from 1 hour through up to 30 days. The system defaults to 16 hours. You can change the Status field to show those patients whose admissions have been Completed. The system defaults to Not Complete, showing those patients who still need screenings completed.

Since multiple people can manage the admissions process, you can refresh your view at any time by clicking the Refresh button to provide you with updated information in the queue as you begin to complete the next form. You can change the number of entries from 10 (default), 25, 50, 75, 100, or All.

The bottom portion of the screen displays these additional fields:

  1. Patient Number – This field displays the patient number.
  2. NMCD Number – Displays the inmate number assigned by NMCD.
  3. Patient Name – This field displays the name of the inmate.
  4. DOB – This field displays the patient’s date of birth.
  5. Housing Location – Displays the housing location to which the patient is assigned.
  6. Custody Status – This field indicates whether the patient’s custody status – active or inactive.
  7. Forms/Assessment – These fields show which forms have been completed and which forms still need to be completed for the patient. A blank checkbox located underneath each required form/assessment indicates the form has not been completed for the patient. 
    • General Informed Consent
    • Receiving Screening
    • TB Screening
    • Intake Labs
    • Education Materials Receipt
    • Psychiatric Encounter
    • Physical Assessment – NOTE: The Physical Assessment form will remain disabled until the patient’s intake panel results are received.
    • Medical Chrono
    • Dental Chrono
    • Remove From Queue – Select this option to remove the patient from the queue. The system will prompt you to enter a Quick Note or SOAP Note before you remove the patient.
  8. Search – Enter information about the patient in this field to find the patient in the list. You can enter in the patient’s name, a partial name, date of birth, housing location, NMCD number, or patient number in this field to narrow your list.
  9. Time Waiting – Displays the number of hours the patient has been in the queue.
  10. Status – Displays the status of the patient in the queue. 

Completing/Viewing Forms

To complete any of the forms/assessments for the admissions process, click the checkbox below the form name and the system opens the form for you to complete. Once you enter in the required information and save the form, a checkmark will appear on this screen to indicate the form has been completed.

To view any of the forms/assessments that have been completed for the patient, simply click the completed checkbox and the system displays the completed form in a new window.

You will continue completing the required forms for the patient. Once all of the forms have been completed for a patient, the patient’s status will change to Complete.

NOTE: The Physical Assessment form will remain disabled until the patient’s intake panel results are received.

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Behavioral Health Admissions Queue

Patients are added to the Behavioral Health Admissions Queue via the following method(s):

  • When a new chart is created via the OMNI demographics feed.
  • Completing a BH RDC Intake Interview Form.

You can easily view which part(s) of the admissions process still needs to be completed for a patient in the Behavioral Health Admissions Queue. From the Global Menu, click on Admissions Process, then select the BH Admissions Queue option. The system displays the Behavioral Health Admissions Queue, as shown below. You can use the filters at the top of the screen to filter your patient list.

You can adjust the Time Window field to narrow your list by patients who have been added to the queue from 1 hour through up to 30 days. The system defaults to 24 hours. You can change the Status field to show those patients whose admissions have been Completed. The system defaults to Not Complete, showing those patients who still need screenings completed.

Since multiple people can manage the admissions process, you can refresh your view at any time by clicking the Refresh button to provide you with updated information in the queue as you begin to complete the next form. You can change the number of entries from 10 (default), 25, 50, 75, 100, or All.

The bottom portion of the screen displays these additional fields:

  1. Patient Number – This field displays the patient number.
  2. NMCD Number – Displays the inmate number assigned by NMCD.
  3. Patient Name – This field displays the name of the inmate.
  4. DOB – This field displays the patient’s date of birth.
  5. Housing Location – Displays the housing location to which the patient is assigned.
  6. Custody Status – This field indicates whether the patient’s custody status – active or inactive.
  7. Forms/Assessment – These fields show which forms have been completed and which forms still need to be completed for the patient. blank checkbox located underneath each required form/assessment indicates the form has not been completed for the patient.   
    • Behavioral Health RDC Intake Interview
    • Mental Status Examination
    • Behavioral Health Rights To Confidentiality
    • Behavioral Health Notice To Incoming Inmates
    • Correctional Mental Health Screen
    • Substance Use Chrono
    • Behavioral Health Chrono
    • Remove From Queue – Select this option to remove the patient from the queue. The system will prompt you to enter a Quick Note or SOAP Note before you remove the patient. Use the dropdown menu to select the Remove From Queue Note Type, then enter your note and click Save.
  8. Search – Enter information about the patient in this field to find the patient in the list. You can enter in the patient’s name, a partial name, date of birth, housing location, NMCD number, or patient number in this field to narrow your list.
  9. Time Waiting – Displays the number of hours the patient has been in the queue.
  10. Status – Displays the status of the patient in the queue. 

Completing/Viewing Forms

To complete any of the forms/assessments for the admissions process, click the checkbox below the form name and the system opens the form for you to complete. Once you enter in the required information and save the form, a checkmark will appear on this screen to indicate the form has been completed.

To view any of the forms/assessments that have been completed for the patient, simply click the completed checkbox and the system displays the completed form in a new window.

You will continue completing the required forms for the patient. When you click on any checkbox, the system opens the form for you to complete. You can also access many of these forms directly from the Forms dropdown menu on the Main Patient Screen. NOTE: Completing some of these forms automatically adds a flag to the patient’s chart. For example, when you complete the Substance Use Chrono form, a Substance Use Code flag displays in the patient’s chart. You are not able to add or remove this flag from a patient’s chart other than through this form. 

Once all of the forms have been completed for a patient, the patient’s status will change to Complete.

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Clinical Monitoring Protocols

Clinical Monitoring Protocols in TechCare® allows you to enter patients into specific services that relate to their individual needs. Additionally, it allows for you to enter individualized notes per patient should the need for client specific documentation arise. To access this screen, click the Group Management option from the Global Menu, then click Clinical Monitoring Protocols.

The system displays the Clinical Monitoring Protocols screen, where you first choose the Type of Group Management from the dropdown menu.

When you select a Group Management Type from the list, the system displays all patients in that particular group. Group Management Types you can choose from include:

You can use any of the following Filters to further narrow your search:

  • Housing – Use the dropdown menu to select the housing location unit.  Only the housing locations of patients that have been added to the list based on Group Type will be available for selection.
  • Search – Use this field to search for specific patient in the list.
  • Projected Release Date – Patients are automatically populated into this queue when their projected release date is within a certain timeframe.
  • Past Due – Select this checkbox if you want to view only the patients in the list who are past due.
  • Order by Housing – Select this checkbox to filter all results in the list by Housing Location.
  • Export – Click this button if you want to download the list.
  • Filter – Click this button to refresh the list with any filters you’ve applied.

Action menu

You can use the Action dropdown menu next to the Patient Name to do any of the following options:

  • Edit – Click this option if you need to edit the admission for the patient.
  • View History – Select this option to view the historical Progress Note.
  • Add Note – Click this option to choose which type of Note you want to add. You can add a Quick Note, SOAP-E Note, Discharge Planning, MH Discharge Checklist, or Release Summary.
  • Discharge – Select this option to make selections for various discharge options.
  • Print – Click this option to print a detailed list of patients.
  • Print for Officer – Select this option to print a list of patients for the officer. This list will not contain any personal health information.

Add Patient

You can enroll a patient to a group using the Add Patient (1) button.  The system displays the Admit Patient screen.  Select the Group Type (2) from the dropdown menu, then type the patient’s name in the Search (3) box or scroll down the list to select the patient you want to add.

Complete either a Quick Note or SOAP-E Note (4) for the patient to add them to the queue, then click Admit.

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Group Notes

In TechCare®, you can use Group Notes to write one general note about all patients who participated in a group session and efficiently apply that note to multiple patients. Additionally, you can also write individualized notes for each patient if you need to have more patient-specific documentation. To access Group Notes, click the Group Management option from the Global Menu, then select Group Notes.

The system displays the Group Notes screen. You must first choose a Group Note Type. The system will display a list of patients that are in the group you selected. Group Types include:

  • Anger Management
  • Anxiety
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia
  • Combining Art and Mindfulness
  • Coping and Hoping
  • Dealing with Feelings
  • Depression
  • Eating Disorder
  • Gender Dysphoria Support
  • Grief Support
  • IOP
  • Life After Release
  • Other
  • RDAP
  • Seeking Motivation to Change

You can also filter the list of patients by Housing (1) when you select a location from the dropdown menu. You can Search (2) for an individual patient in the list. This is helpful if you have a large list of patients in a group and you need to make an individualized note for that patient. You can also click the Past Due (3) check box to show all patients who have a past due status. You can order your patient list by housing location when you select the Order By Housing (4) check box.

To add a new patient to a group, click the Add Patient button at the top of the screen. Select the group you want to add the patient to from the dropdown list, then select the patient. Click Admit to add them to the group.

Group Note Documentation

To document on the entire group of patients, click the Group Documentation button. You can also use the Action dropdown menu next and click the same option to display this screen.

Enter information in the following required fields:

  1. Date of Group – Enter the date the group encounter occurred in this field. The default date is today’s date.
  2. Practitioner – Enter the name of the practitioner who conducted the session.
  3. Group Type – This field displays the specialized Group Type you originally selected.
  4. Group Name – Enter the specialized name of the group (if applicable) in this field.
  5. Attendance – You can use the check boxes beside the individual group members to include or exclude them from the group note. If a patient enrolled in the Group was absent from that session, or you want to not apply the Note to their patient record for any reason, simply deselect their name before you click the Add Note (7) button.
  6. Note – Enter all comments in this field regarding the group session.

Individual Note Documentation

You can also add an individual note for a specific patient using the Add Group Note option from the Action dropdown menu. Find the patient’s name under the Attendance field and ensure their check box is selected. Deselect the other patients. Enter the Practitioner, Group Name, and Note, then click the Add Note.

Options available in this menu include:

  • Edit – Select this option to edit the admission of the patient to the group.
  • View History – Click this option if you want to view historical progress notes for the patient.
  • Add Group Note – Select this option to document a group note. This function is the same as Group Documentation).
  • Discharge Quick Note – Click this option to create a Quick Note when discharging the patient from the group.
  • Discharge Soap Note – Click this option to create a Soap Note when discharging the patient from the group.
  • Print – Select this option to print the group list of patients with all information, including personal health information.
  • Print for Officer – Select this option to print the group list of patients for the officer This list does not contain any personal health information.

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Medical Dropdown Menu – Vital Signs

You can view the patient’s completed vital sign entries by selecting the Vital Signs option from the Medical Dropdown Menu on the Main Patient Screen of TechCare®.

The system displays the Vital Signs window. From here, you can view all vital signs that have been completed for a patient.

To record new vital signs for a patient, click the Add Vital Signs button. The system displays the Add New Vital Signs window, where you can enter the information for the patient. NOTE: If you did not collect a particular vital sign, click N/A and the field will grey out that vital sign. Once you have entered the information in the fields, click the Save button.

Enter the patient’s vitals in the following required fields. If you click Save without entering information in the fields, the system displays a red message at the top of the screen indicating these fields are required:

  • Blood Pressure
  • Temperature
  • Pulse
  • Respirations
  • Height (feet and inches)
  • Weight (pounds and ounces)
  • SaO2

You can also enter additional information in the following fields:

  • Reported Pain Level – enter a number from 0-10, with 0 being no pain and 10 being the worst pain.
  • Position – Use this dropdown menu to indicate the position of the patient when taking the vitals. Options include NALyingSitting, and Standing.
  • Orthostatic – Use this dropdown menu to indicate the orthostatic position of the patient when taking the vitals. Options include NASitting to Standing, and Lying to Standing.
  • Location – Use this dropdown menu to indicate which arm or leg you used to measure the vitals. Options include NALeft ArmRight ArmLeft Leg, or Right Leg.
  • Type – Use this dropdown menu to indicate whether you took the vitals Manually or with an Automatic blood pressure monitor. You may also enter NA.

NOTE: If you did not collect a particular vital sign, click the N/A hyperlink beside the field and it will grey out that vital sign. Once you have entered the information in the fields, click the Save button. You will see the vitals you just added on the Vital Signs screen.

Graphing Vital Signs

You can select a vital sign to graph when you click the View Graph button. Select the vital sign or other option you want to view in a trend graph from the dropdown menu, then click the Select button.

The system displays the graph and information as shown below.

You can select the graph you want to view for the patient by using the dropdown menu (1). Available options include:

  • Blood Pressure
  • Blood Sugars
  • Body Mass Index
  • Height
  • Hemoglobin
  • Mean Arterial Pressure
  • Oxygen Saturation
  • Pain
  • Peak Air Flow
  • Pulse
  • Temperature
  • Weight

You can choose a specific timeframe (2) in which to search.

Click the Filter (3) button once you have selected which graph you want to view and entered any additional parameters. The graph will appear below.

You can use the checkboxes next to Show Position and Show Orthostatic (4) to include or exclude this data from the table at the bottom beneath the graph. The default value is that these fields are checked and will be included in the results.

You can change to another graph option by clicking the Change Graph (5) button. The system displays the Select a Graph window, where you can select another graph to view.

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Behavioral Health Queue

You can use the Behavioral Health Queue to monitor all patients who are placed into this queue upon completion of specific forms. To access this queue, click the Queues option from the Global Menu, then click Behavioral Health Queue.

Within the queue, you can manage patients through the following tabs:

Alerts tab

On the Alerts tab in the queue, you can view all patients for which an alert has been sent. Alerts can be sent to this queue from multiple places in TechCare®, including the History window on the Main Patient Screen. You have multiple filters you can use across the top of the tab to refine your search.

Options include:

  1. Date – You can change the date filter to reflect the most commonly used filter types (last day, the last 7, 30 or 90 days, week to date, month to date, year to date, beginning of time), or you can use a custom date filter to select only the dates you want to view.
  2. Reference Type – You can narrow the list of items by Type when you select an option from this dropdown menu.
  3. Status – You can change the Status field to show those patients whose records are Closed. The system defaults to Open, displaying those patients who still need review.
  4. In Custody – Select this checkbox to view the information for those patients who are in custody. If you deselect the checkbox, you will see all patients, regardless of status.
  5. Filter – After you have used the filters to narrow your list, click the Filter button to narrow your results that appear below.
  6. Export – Click this button if you want to export the list for printing or saving locally.

Auto Refresh, Action Menu and More Reports dropdown

No matter which tab you are on in the queue, you can have the queue automatically refresh by turning on the Auto Refresh toggle switch at the top of the screen.

Once you filter your list on the Alerts tab, select the Action dropdown menu next to the patient ID and choose from the following options:

  • View – Click this option to view a detailed record of the alert and which form was completed to place them into this queue.
  • View Vital Signs – Click this option if you want to view the patient’s last recorded vital signs.
  • View Flags – Select this option to view the patient’s flag history.
  • View Allergies – Click this option to view all of the patient’s allergies.
  • View Drugs – Select this option to view the patient’s drug order history.
  • View Progress Notes – Click this option to view any progress notes added for the patient.
  • Sign Off – Select this option if you want to sign off approval on the alert.

The More Reports dropdown menu displays two additional tabs for review in this queue. You can find information about the specific tab in the appropriate section.

The bottom portion of the Alerts tab displays the following information:

  • Toggle – You can use the Toggle Switch in the header row to select all alerts in the list. You can select multiple toggle switches beside individual alerts to manage more than one alert at a time. Once you turn on the toggle switch for multiple or all alerts, the system displays a Sign Off Selected button so that you can sign off on all alerts or selected alerts. If you just want to sign off on one alert at a time, you can use the Action dropdown menu beside the alert on which you want to sign off to do so.
  • Action – This dropdown menu allows you to view the alert, view the patient’s vital signs, view any patient flags, view all patient allergies, view drugs ordered for the patient, view progress notes for the patient, and the ability to sign off on the alert.
  • Patient ID – This field displays the patient’s Identification Number. Click the link to view the patient’s chart.
  • Stamp – This field displays the date and time that the alert came into the queue.
  • Type – This field displays the ?
  • Reference Type – This field displays the where the alert originated. For example, if you send an alert from the History section of the Main Patient Screen, the system displays History in this field.
  • Patient – This field displays the patient’s name, patient ID, and NMCD number.
  • Housing Location – This field displays the patient’s current housing location.
  • Provider – This field displays the name of the provider if the user entered one.
  • Sender – This field displays the name of the user who sent the alert.
  • Subject – This field displays the subject of the alert, which is the name of the completed form.
  • Message – This field displays any message that the user included when they sent the alert.
  • Last Update User – This field displays the name of the user who sent the alert.
  • Last Update Date – This field displays the date and time that the alert was sent.

180s tab

The 180s tab within the Behavioral Health Queue displays a list of patients who have had a Mental Status Exam – 180 form completed by a clinician. If the clinician answers Yes to the “Is this Mental Status Exam being completed as a part of the 180-day check for the psych case load?” question, the patient will display on this tab.

  1. You can have the queue automatically refresh by turning on the Auto Refresh toggle switch at the top of the screen.
  2. You can Filter your list of patients on this tab by Housing location. Click the Filter button to refresh once you have chosen a location.
  3. You can Export the list to your local computer or Print the list by clicking the appropriate button.

The bottom portion of the screen displays the following information:

  • Action – Click this dropdown menu to either view the last 180 Mental Status Exam form completed or complete a new Mental Status Exam form for the patient.
  • Patient ID – This field displays the patient’s Identification Number. Click the link to view the patient’s chart.
  • Booking Number – This field displays the patient’s booking number.
  • Patient Name – This field displays the patient’s name.
  • Housing Location – This field displays the patient’s current housing location.
  • Booking Date – This field displays the date and time the patient was booked into the facility.
  • Last 180 MSE – This field displays the date and time the last Mental Status Exam was completed for the patient.
  • Next 180 MSE – This field displays the date and time the next Mental Status Exam is due for the patient.

To remove a patient from this tab, complete another Mental Status Exam form for the patient and select the Remove patient from Psych Case Load per Psychiatrist instructions checkbox, complete the remainder of the form, then click Save.

BH Chrono Review tab

This tab displays a list of patients that have not had a Behavioral Health Chrono form completed within the last 5 months.

You can also filter patients in the list by housing location. Use the Housing Location dropdown menu to select the housing location from the list, then click the Filter button.

You can Export the list to your local computer or Print the list by clicking the appropriate button.

You can also view information in the following fields:

  • Patient ID – This field displays the patient’s Identification Number. Click the link to view the patient’s chart.
  • Booking Number – This field displays the patient’s booking number.
  • Patient Name – This field displays the patient’s name.
  • Housing Location – This field displays the patient’s current housing location.
  • Booking Date – This field displays the date and time the patient was booked into the facility.
  • Last Chrono Date – This field displays the date and time the last Behavioral Health Chrono form was completed for the patient.
  • Months Since – This field displays the number of months since the last Behavioral Health Chrono form was completed for the patient.

CMHS Routine/Urgent Referrals tab

You can filter patients in the list by housing location. Use the Housing Location dropdown menu to select the housing location from the list, then click the Filter button.

You can click the Print button to print the list of patients for review.

Crisis Log tab

On this tab, you can view a list of patients who have had a Behavioral Health Crisis Intervention form completed.

  1. You can have the queue automatically refresh by turning on the Auto Refresh toggle switch at the top of the screen.
  2. You can Filter your list of patients on this tab by Housing location. Click the Filter button to refresh once you have chosen a location.
  3. You can Export the list to your local computer or Print the list by clicking the appropriate button.

The bottom portion of the screen displays the following information:

  • Action – Click this dropdown menu to either view the Behavioral Health Crisis Intervention form that was completed for the patient or complete a Clinical Assessment form for the patient.
  • Patient ID – This field displays the patient’s Identification Number. Click the link to view the patient’s chart.
  • Booking Number – This field displays the patient’s booking number.
  • Patient Name – This field displays the patient’s name.
  • Housing Location – This field displays the patient’s current housing location.
  • Booking Date – This field displays the date and time the patient was booked into the facility.
  • Date of Birth – This field displays the patient’s date of birth.
  • Entered On – This field displays the date and time the Behavioral Health Crisis Intervention form was completed for the patient.
  • Entered By – This field displays the clinician who completed the Behavioral Health Crisis Intervention form for the patient.

To remove a patient from this tab, complete a Clinical Assessment form for the patient and select the Crisis Intervention Follow-Up checkbox, complete the remainder of the form, then click Save.

Housing Moves tab

You can view a list of patients who have moved into a different housing facility on this tab. If a patient is on this tab, the system highlights them in ___ to signify that you need to complete a Behavioral Health Facility Intake File Review form for the patient.

You can filter patients in the list by housing location. Use the Housing Location dropdown menu to select the housing location from the list, then click the Filter button.

You can click the Print button to print the list of patients for review.

PREA Log tab

Any patient that has a PREA Notification/Memo/Email document attached to their chart will appear on this tab. Also, if the patient answered any questions related to victimization on the Receiving Screening, they will appear on this tab.

  • Action – Click this dropdown menu to View the Last Receiving Screening form, View the last PREA Note that was completed for the patient, or Complete a Clinical Assessment form for the patient.
  • Patient ID – This field displays the patient’s Identification Number. Click the link to view the patient’s chart.
  • Booking Number – This field displays the patient’s booking number.
  • Patient Name – This field displays the patient’s name.
  • Housing Location – This field displays the patient’s current housing location.
  • Booking Date – This field displays the date and time the patient was booked into the facility.
  • Date of Birth – This field displays the patient’s date of birth.
  • Entered On – This field displays the date and time the Receiving Screening form was completed, or the date and time the PREA Notification/Memo/Email document was scanned in for the patient.
  • Entered By – This field displays the clinician who completed the Receiving Screening or scanned in the PREA Notification/Memo/Email document for the patient.

To remove a patient from this tab, complete a Clinical Assessment form for the patient and select the PREA Follow-Up checkbox, complete the remainder of the form, then click Save.

Records Review tab

Whenever certain document types are added to a patient’s chart, the documents should be reviewed and signed off by a Behavioral Health clinician. When you enter one of the following document types, the system automatically checks the Behavioral Health Queue** checkbox to send a notification to this tab for you to review the record:

  • Emergency Department Record
  • Hospital Discharge Summary-Behavioral Health
  • Hospital Discharge Summary-Medical
  • Hospital Discharge Summary-Psychiatric
  • NM BHI Record

You can also filter patients in the list by housing location. Use the Housing Location dropdown menu to select the housing location from the list, then click the Filter button.

You can Export the list to your local computer.

You can also view information in the following fields:

  • Action – Click this dropdown and choose one of the following options:
    • View Document – Click this option to view the scanned document that placed the patient into this queue.
    • View Chart – Click this option to view the patient’s chart.
    • View Vital Signs – Click this option if you want to view the patient’s last recorded vital signs.
    • View Flags – Select this option to view the patient’s flag history.
    • View Allergies – Click this option to view all of the patient’s allergies.
    • View Drugs – Select this option to view the patient’s drug order history.
    • View Progress Notes – Click this option to view any progress notes added for the patient.
    • Sign Off – Select this option if you want to sign off that you have reviewed the record. This action removes the patient from this list.
  • Patient ID – This field displays the patient’s Identification Number. Click the link to view the patient’s chart.
  • Last Name – This field displays the patient’s last name.
  • First Name – This field displays the patient’s first name.
  • Booking Number – This field displays the patient’s booking number.
  • Housing Location – This field displays the patient’s current housing location.
  • Custody Status – This field displays the patient’s custody status.
  • Name – This field displays the document type that was scanned into the patient’s chart.
  • Date Scanned – This field displays the date and time that the document was scanned into the patient’s chart.
  • Last Update Date – This field displays the last date and time an update occurred with this record.

Treatment Plan Review tab

You can view a list of patients who are due a Treatment Plan Review on this tab. The clinician completes this form every 6 months for a patient who is on an active treatment plan.

You can also filter patients in the list by housing location. Use the Housing Location dropdown menu to select the housing location from the list, then click the Filter button.

You can Export the list to your local computer or Print the list by clicking the appropriate button.

You can also view information in the following fields:

  • Action – Click this dropdown menu to either view the BH Treatment Plan form that was completed for the patient or Complete a BH Treatment Plan Review form for the patient.
  • Patient ID – This field displays the patient’s Identification Number. Click the link to view the patient’s chart.
  • Booking Number – This field displays the patient’s booking number.
  • Patient Name – This field displays the patient’s name.
  • Housing Location – This field displays the patient’s current housing location.
  • Booking Date – This field displays the date and time the patient was booked into the facility.
  • Treatment Plan – This field displays the name of the Treatment Plan form that was completed for the patient.
  • Last Plan Date – This field displays the date and time that the last Treatment Plan form was completed for the patient.
  • Last Review Date – This field displays the last date and time the Treatment Plan Review form was completed for the patient.

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Pharmacy Queue - Drug Interaction Overrides Tab

Within the Pharmacy Queue, you can view any drug interaction overrides from the Drug Interaction Overrides tab. You can use the Search Filters at the top of the screen to refine your search.

You can have the queue automatically refresh by turning on the Auto Refresh toggle switch at the top of the screen. Once you filter your list, select the Action dropdown menu next to the patient’s name and choose one of the following options:

  • View Details – Click this option to view a detailed record of the drug interaction.
  • View Chart – Select this option if you want to open the patient’s chart.
  • View Vital Signs – Click this option if you want to view the patient’s last recorded vital signs.
  • View Flags – Select this option to view the patient’s flag history.
  • View Allergies – Click this option to view all of the patient’s allergies.
  • View Drugs – Select this option to view the patient’s drug order history.
  • View Progress Notes – Click this option to view any progress notes added for the patient.
  • Sign Off – Select this option if you want to sign off approval on the individual drug interaction override.

© 2024 TechCare® User Manual - Version 5.0 / Proprietary & Confidential

Cosigning Queue

Within the Cosigning Queue, you can review and sign-off any notes, medications, diagnostics, and records that a non-licensed clinician has completed for a patient. Access to this queue is controlled with role-based permissions and can be used by both Medical and Behavioral Health staff. To access this queue, click the Queues option from the Global Menu, then click Cosigning Queue.

The system displays the Cosigning Queue. There are four tabs across the top of the screen (click any of the links to jump to the tab):


No matter which tab you are on in the queue, you have the same filter options available to use. You can use the Search Filters at the top of the screen to refine your search.

Options include:

  1. Date – You can change the date filter to reflect the most commonly used filter types (last day, the last 7, 30 or 90 days, week to date, month to date, year to date, beginning of time), or you can use a custom date filter to select only the dates you want to view.
  2. Status – You can change the Status field to show those patients whose cosigning records are Closed. The system defaults to Open, displaying those patients who still need review.
  3. In Custody – Select this checkbox to view the information for those patients who are in custody. If you deselect the checkbox, you will see all patients, regardless of status.
  4. Cosigner – Use this dropdown menu to narrow the list of items by cosigner. The system defaults to All.
  5. Completed By – Use this dropdown menu to select a name from the list and narrow the list of items by who completed it. The system defaults to All.
  6. Type – You can narrow the list of items by Type when you select an option from this dropdown menu.
  7. Filter – After you have used the filters to narrow your list, click the Filter button to narrow your results that appear below.
  8. Export – Click this button if you want to export the list for printing or saving locally.

Auto Refresh and Action menu

No matter which tab you are on in the queue, you can have the queue automatically refresh by turning on the Auto Refresh toggle switch at the top of the screen.

Once you filter your list, select the Action dropdown menu next to the patient’s name and choose from the following options:

  • View – Click this option to view a detailed record of the note, medication, diagnostic order, or record.
  • View Chart – Select this option if you want to open the patient’s chart.
  • View Vital Signs – Click this option if you want to view the patient’s last recorded vital signs.
  • View Flags – Select this option to view the patient’s flag history.
  • View Allergies – Click this option to view all of the patient’s allergies.
  • View Drugs – Select this option to view the patient’s drug order history.
  • View Progress Notes – Click this option to view any progress notes added for the patient.
  • Sign Off – Select this option if you want to sign off approval on the individual note, medication, diagnostic order, or record.

Notes Tab

The Notes Tab in the Cosigning Queue displays any notes that have been entered for the patient which needs a licensed reviewer’s approval.

You can view the information in the following fields:

  • Action – This dropdown menu allows you to view the note or form, view the patient’s chart, view the patient’s vital signs, view any patient flags, view all patient allergies, view drugs ordered for the patient, view progress notes for the patient, and the ability to sign off on the note.
  • Category – Displays the type of document to be cosigned.
  • Patient ID – This field displays the patient’s Identification Number. Click the link to go to the Main Patient Screen.
  • Patient Name – This field displays the patient’s name.
  • Name – Displays the name of the note that was entered for the patient.
  • Type – This field displays the Type of Note or Form that was entered for the patient.
  • Stamp – This field displays the date and time of the clinician who entered the note or form.
  • Completed By – This field displays the name of the user who completed the note or form.
  • Cosigner – This field displays the name of the reviewer who cosigned the note or form.
  • Cosign Date – This field displays the date that the note or form was cosigned by a reviewer.

Medications Tab

The Medications Tab in the Cosigning Queue displays any medications that have been ordered for the patient which needs a licensed reviewer’s approval.

You can view the information in the following fields:

  • Action – This dropdown menu allows you to view the drug order, view the patient’s chart, view the patient’s vital signs, view any patient flags, view all patient allergies, view drugs ordered for the patient, view progress notes for the patient, and the ability to sign off on the medication.
  • Category – Displays the type of document to be cosigned.
  • Patient ID – This field displays the patient’s Identification Number. Click the link to go to the Main Patient Screen.
  • Patient Name – This field displays the patient’s name.
  • Name – Displays the name of the medication that was entered for the patient.
  • Type – This field displays the medication type that was entered for the patient.
  • Stamp – This field displays the date and time of the reviewer who entered the medication.
  • Completed By – This field displays the name of the user who entered the medication.
  • Cosigner – This field displays the name of the reviewer who cosigned the medication order.
  • Cosign Date – This field displays the date that the medication was cosigned by a reviewer.

Diagnostics Tab

The Diagnostics Tab in the Cosigning Queue displays any lab or other diagnostic testing that has been ordered for the patient.

You can view the information in the following fields:

  • Action – This dropdown menu allows you to view the diagnostic order, view the patient’s chart, view the patient’s vital signs, view any patient flags, view all patient allergies, view drugs ordered for the patient, view progress notes for the patient, and the ability to sign off on the lab or diagnostic test.
  • Category – Displays the type of document to be cosigned.
  • Patient ID – This field displays the patient’s Identification Number. Click the link to go to the Main Patient Screen.
  • Patient Name – This field displays the patient’s name.
  • Name – Displays the name of the diagnostic test that was entered for the patient.
  • Type – This field displays the type of diagnostic test that was entered for the patient.
  • Stamp – This field displays the date and time of the reviewer who entered the diagnostic test.
  • Completed By – This field displays the name of the user who entered the diagnostic test.
  • Cosigner – This field displays the name of the reviewer who cosigned the diagnostic order.
  • Cosign Date – This field displays the date that the diagnostic order was cosigned by a reviewer.

Records Tab

The Records Tab in the Cosigning Queue displays any forms or documents that have been scanned into a patient’s chart that need to be reviewed and cosigned.

You can view the information in the following fields:

  • Action – This dropdown menu allows you to view the form or scanned document, view the patient’s chart, view the patient’s vital signs, view any patient flags, view all patient allergies, view drugs ordered for the patient, view progress notes for the patient, and the ability to sign off on the record.
  • Category – Displays the type of record to be cosigned.
  • Patient ID – This field displays the patient’s Identification Number. Click the link to go to the Main Patient Screen.
  • Patient Name – This field displays the patient’s name.
  • Name – Displays the name of the form or scanned document that was entered for the patient.
  • Type – This field displays the type of scanned document or form that was entered for the patient.
  • Stamp – This field displays the date and time of the reviewer who completed the form or scanned in the document.
  • Completed By – This field displays the name of the user who completed the form or scanned in the document.
  • Cosigner – This field displays the name of the reviewer who cosigned the form or scanned in the document.
  • Cosign Date – This field displays the date that the form or scanned document was cosigned by a reviewer.

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Pharmacy Queue - Non Formulary Drug Orders Tab

Within the Pharmacy Queue, you can view any non-formulary drug orders placed for patients. To access the queue, click Queues from the Global Menu, then select the Pharmacy Queue option.

Click the Non-Formulary Orders tab at the top of the screen. You can use the Search Filters at the top of the screen to refine your search. The list defaults to a list of non-formulary medication orders within the last week. You can also narrow your list by Medication Type (Medical or Psych) or by Status. Statuses include Not Approved, Approvals, Needs Further Review.

NOTE: For any entry where an order was marked “Needs Further Review” and a comment was entered, the system highlights it in yellow to indicate the non-formulary request needs further review.

You can use the Action dropdown menu next to a patient to do any of the following:

  • View Non Formulary Request – Select this option to view the non formulary request form that was completed for the medication order.
  • Needs Further Review – Select this option if you need to mark an order as needing further review. You must enter a reason the request needs further review. Click OK and the system saves your comment in the Review Comment field. TechCare® also highlights the order in yellow to indicate it needs review.
  • Approved – Select this option to approve the order. Once you select this option, it moves to the Approvals status.
  • Not Approved – Select this option if you need to deny the order. You must enter a reason the request has been denied. Click OK and TechCare® displays a Successfully updated non formulary request message at the top of the screen.
  • View Allergies – Choose this option to view all of the patient’s allergies.
  • View Diagnostics – Choose this option to view the patient’s diagnostic history information.
  • View Glucometer Results – Select this option to view the patient’s glucometer results history.
  • View Immunizations – Choose this option to view a list of immunizations that have been given to the patient.
  • View MAR – Select this option to view the patient’s Medication Administration Record.
  • View Problem List – Select this option to view a list of any problems entered for the patient.
  • View Vital Signs – Choose this option to view recent vital signs that have been taken on the patient. You have the option to add new vital signs for the patient from this screen.

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Utilization Management (UM) Queue

The UM/Consult Request automatically migrates to the Utilization Management Queue after you enter the request. Using this queue, you can follow and update the request until the patient has been to the appointment/clinic and you have received the encounter documentation from the consulting facility.

To create a new UM/Consult Request for a patient, search for your patient and click UM/Consult button from the ribbon just below the patient demographics information on the Main Patient Screen of TechCare®.

An UM/Consult appointment request may flow through various stages throughout the approval and scheduling process. An order is considered complete after it is scheduled, and the appointment has passed. The UM Queue serves as a centralized repository for all UM/Consult Requests. You have the ability to update and modify these requests as necessary, to ensure that all relevant information is stored in one place.

To view and manage the request after it has been placed, click the Queues option from the Global Menu, then click the UM Queue option. The system displays the queue, as shown below.

  1. You can choose from any of the following tasks by clicking one of the options at the top of the screen:
    • Reports – Click this button to run a report of the UM/Consult Requests in the queue.
    • Transportation – Click this button to run a report and print a list to provide to custody. They will print their name, sign and date the list.
    • Records Review
    • High Utilization List
    • Start New Request – Click this button to start a new consult request.
    • Print – Click this button to print the list of appointments.
    • Export – Click this button to export the list of appointments to an Excel file.
  2. You can use any of the Filters to help you narrow your list of results. You can filter by location, number of days, last update date and time, name, appointment type, specialty, physician, priority, or by status. The system automatically displays ten (10) entries; however, you may use the dropdown menu to display more.
  3. You can print the requisition for the patient by clicking the Print Req button.
  4. You can also display the results in the columns alphabetically by clicking the arrows in any column to sort the data ascending or descending.

Once the order has been placed the request will automatically appear in the UM Queue. The system displays the appointment status as Pending. To make any change to the request, you can click on the patient’s name to open the request.

Updating a Status

Each UM/Consult request starts in the Pending status. You can filter by those requests with a status of Pending to view all orders that have not yet been approved. From here, you can modify the status as appropriate. Order Status reflects the request’s current status within the approval and scheduling life cycle of an off-site/consult request.

Note–available statuses may vary by facility. Statuses used should be assigned to staff member’s daily workflow in order to accommodate requests being moved through the life cycle in an appropriate time frame.

To update a status, click on the patient’s name to view the UM/Consult Request form.

Whenever you change a status on a request, you must add changes to status should have supporting comments added. Do so by choosing Add Comment, documenting as necessary and clicking OK. You must click the Save button after you have entered comments are added.

Throughout a request’s life cycle, the process can be cyclical repeating statuses until the request is approved and scheduled or cancelled. Statuses include:

  • PendingAll requests automatically entered into the system in a Pending status. This means they are ready to be worked.
  • Interstate Compact – Pending Approval: Select this status when you are waiting on approval from interstate compact facilities or contacts.
  • Needs Reschedule: Select this status if the request needs to be rescheduled for the patient.
  • Completed: When the appointment has been completed, you can update the status here and include any supporting documentation.
  • Needs Additional Information: If a request requires additional information, such as insurance information or outside medical records, you can use this status for administrative or medical records staff to obtain the information needed, append it to the request, and update the status.
  • Alternate Treatment Plan: If the request has not been approved but an alternate treatment plan has been suggested, you can change the status to this one after adding supporting comments. Note – You should not use Cancelled Requests for those orders that will follow an alternate treatment plan for accurate documentation.
  • ApprovedIf all information is provided and clinical criteria is met, whomever has the authority to approve the request changes the status to Approved. Once the request has been approved, an appointment may be scheduled.
  • ScheduledOnce the request has been approved, the appointment may be scheduled.
  • Cancelled Request: If a request is no longer needed, you can change the status to cancel the request (some examples might be the provider decided the appointment was no longer needed or the patient was released from custody). Regardless of why the request was cancelled, you must enter a comment about the cancellation. The system displays a popup window where you must select a reason from the dropdown menu and add a comment or a quick note about why the request was cancelled.

Scheduling an Appointment

Before you can schedule an appointment for the patient, site leadership must approve the appointment request. After they have been approved, you can search for those appointments using the Approved status filter on the UM Queue, as shown below.

Click the patient’s name to view the consult request. You can view all information that has been previously entered here, which is helpful to the individual who is scheduling the appointment.

  1. Click the Appointment Information tab. This screen displays the Appointment Date that was initially set as the Preferred Date from the Order Information tab within the UM/Consult Request screen. You can update the appointment date and time fields, which display hour, minutes (in 15-minute increments) and AM or PM options.
  2. You should also enter the appointment location information using the Facility/PhysicianAddressPhone, and Fax fields.

Note: The Facility/Physician list populates according to contracted providers you have used in the past for offsite appointments, hospitalizations, and onsite appointments. When you select a facility or physician from the dropdown, the system automatically fills the information in the Address, Phone and Fax fields, if previously provided.

  1. Click the Save button to save all of the appointment information.

Scheduled Status

Once you have scheduled the appointment, click the Offsite Information tab, change the status of the request to Scheduled, then scroll down and click the Save button.

Once you save the information, the system returns you to the UM Queue. To view the appointments with the Scheduled status, click the Status filter and begin typing or scroll and select the Scheduled option. Click the Filter button to narrow your search.

Once the appointment is scheduled, TechCare® sends an email to the site reflecting the appointment and responsible party information. Site leadership also receives an alert letting them know the appointment has been scheduled.

Prior to Appointment

Prior to the appointment, the responsible employee must navigate to the UM Queue, filter the patient list by the Scheduled status, click the Filter button, and locate the patient. Once you find the patient, click the Print Req. button to download and print the Offsite Healthcare Authorization form for the patient. The patient should take this form with them to their appointment. Custody or Corrections use this form to coordinate transportation of the patient to the appointment. There is a section at the bottom of the form where the provider should complete, and the patient should bring this form back with them when they return to the facility.

Following the Appointment

Following the appointment, the Medical Records Department requests the medical records from the visit. They will upload the records into TechCare® as an attachment to the UM/Consult Request, and all records will appear in the Provider’s Queue for review. You will need to review and electronically sign-off on these records. If the offsite provider requested a follow-up visit or prescribed medications, etc., and you agree with his or her recommendations, you will need to place all those orders in TechCare®.

Completing the Appointment

Following the appointment, the patient should return with the completed and signed Offsite Health Authorization Form. You should scan the form and add to the patient’s chart as an attachment to the UM Consult Request. Navigate to the UM Queue and filter your list by Scheduled status. Find your patient in the list, then click on the patient’s name to edit the UM/Consult Request.

  1. Change the status of the appointment to Completed.
  2. Click the Add Document link to scan the form and any other documents into the patient’s chart. You can add a diagnosis code, CPT code, or any other Reference (3) documentation from here. Once you have added all information, click the Save button at the bottom of the form.

All of the scanned documents will then be sent to the Provider’s Queue for review. You can also view them in the Records Review tab. The appropriate provider must review and sign off on the records.

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Withdrawal Management

A patient is placed in the Withdrawal Management Queue because it has been determined by the clinician and the patient’s own responses during an assessment that they are at risk for acute withdrawal symptoms and need to be closely monitored.

Many processes and forms in TechCare® work together to ensure these patients are identified and consistently revisited. One of the first forms you complete on a patient is the Comprehensive Detox Screen. You can find this form in the Forms dropdown menu, or it may be automatically opened when certain questions are answered positively from the Receiving Screening.

The Comprehensive Detox Screen will assess needs differently for different substances. In order to do so, the appropriate box must be checked at the top of the page to open up that portion of the screen.

When the form is completed by gathering some baseline information, TechCare® will make a recommendation based upon the answers.

Once you click Close, the system automatically opens the CIWA form for you to complete. When an adjunct is recommended, there will be a dose that is automatically and independently ordered regardless of the actual CIWA score.

Managing patients in the Queue

Once you have completed the CIWA or COWS form, the patient automatically appears in the Withdrawal Management Queue. Using this queue, you can monitor these patients who may be experiencing withdrawal symptoms.

Across the top of the screen, you can filter your list by the type of detox (options include Alcohol Detox, Opiate Detox, or All), by housing location, and those patients in custody or released. You can also order your list by housing to view patients grouped together by housing location. Note that anything displayed in red is because it is overdue, while anything in green is current.

You can see the amount of time the patient has been in the Withdrawal Management Queue, the date and time the last form was completed and the score that the system calculated. You can also use the Out of Facility checkbox to indicate if the patient is not at the facility.

The screen also has the following options:

  1. Print – Click this button to print the list of patients in the queue. The system generates a PDF file for you to print. This information does contain Personal Health Information.
  2. Print for Officer – Click this button to print a list of patients in the queue for the Correctional Officer. The system generates a PDF file for you to print that only contains the patient’s name and housing location.
  3. Treatment – Click this button to complete an updated CIWA or COWS form for the patient. The system automatically opens the appropriate form for you to document on the patient.
  4. DC CIWA/DC OPIATE – Once the patient has completed detox and you are ready to discontinue monitoring, click the DC CIWA or DC OPIATE button and enter a reason for discontinuation of detox. Click the Save button and the patient is removed from the Withdrawal Management Queue.
  5. Action – Click this dropdown menu to view the CIWA or COWS form that was last completed for the patient. You can also click on the hyperlink to view the form.

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MHTC Behavioral Health Program

Using the MHTC Behavioral Health Program Administration screen, you can document and manage information on patients who require specialized behavioral health treatment and housing.  To access this screen, click the Programs option from the Global Menu, then select the MHTC – Behavioral Health option.

The screen contains the following fields and columns of information that pertain to the specific form when you complete it for the patient:

  • Refresh button – Click this button to refresh the screen.
  • Add Patient button – Click this button to admit a patient into the MHTC – Behavioral Health program. The system displays the Admit Patient screen, where you can use the dropdown to select your patient from the list.
  • First Name – This field displays the patient’s first name.
  • Last Name – This field displays the patient’s last name.
  • Booking Number – This field displays the patient’s booking number. You can click this hyperlink to view the MHTC – Behavioral Health Patient Summary.

To complete any of the forms, select the toggle switch (1) next to the patient’s name, then select an Action (2) from the dropdown menu. Choose the form you want to complete, then click the Perform Action (3) button.

Forms that you should complete for the patient include:

  • MHTC Behavioral Health Clinical Assessment – You should complete this form for the patient every 14 days.
  • MHTC Behavioral Health Treatment Plan – You should complete this form for the patient every 14 days.
  • MHTC BH Progress Note – You should complete this form for the patient once per week.
  • MHTC Behavioral Health Discharge Planning – You should complete this form for the patient after the psychiatrist has made the determination that the patient is ready to be discharged from MHTC.

Once you have completed any of the forms for the patient, the system begins a timer which counts down the days and time until the next assessment is due for the patient. Patients that are overdue display in red.

  • MHTC Behavioral Health Clinical Assessment (Timer) – Displays the date and time the next assessment is due for the patient.
  • MHTC Behavioral Health Treatment Plan (Timer) – Displays the date and time the next treatment plan is due for the patient.
  • MHTC BH Treatment Team Progress Note (Timer) – Displays the date and time the next progress note is due for the patient.

MHTC – Behavioral Health Patient Summary

You can view general information about the patient, their demographics, current program details, and more. Any administrative notes, forms, and summaries that have been completed on the patient are included on this screen.

You can also add an attachment from this screen, and it will be added directly into the patient’s chart. When you click the Add Attachment button, the system displays the Add New Attachment screen.

  1. Click the Browse button to select the file that you want to attach.
  2. Select the type of document you are attaching.
  3. If necessary, select another attribute to include about the attachment.
  4. Enter the date of service associated with the document you are adding. The system defaults to the current date and time.
  5. Click this checkbox to add the patient into the Behavioral Health Queue. The patient will appear on the Records Review tab.
  6. Click the Save button to save the attachment. The system displays a success message at the top of the screen in green.  When you return to the Main Patient Screen, you can view the document in the History Window.

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MHTC - Medical

Using the MHTC Medical Program Administration screen, you can document and manage information on patients who require specialized medical treatment and housing.  To access this screen, click the Programs option from the Global Menu, then select the MHTC – Medical option. The Referrals tab serves as a landing area for patients moving into MHTC.

At the top of the MHTC – Medical screen, you will find 5 tabs, along with the following fields and columns of information:

  • Refresh button – Click this button to refresh the screen.
  • Add Patient button – Click this button to admit a patient into the MHTC – Medical program. The system displays the Admit Patient screen, where you can use the dropdown to select your patient from the list.
  • First Name – This field displays the patient’s first name.
  • Last Name – This field displays the patient’s last name.
  • Booking Number – This field displays the patient’s booking number. You can click this hyperlink to view the MHTC – Medical Patient Summary.

To complete any of the forms, select the toggle switch (1) next to the patient’s name, then select an Action (2) from the dropdown menu. Choose the form you want to complete, then click the Perform Action (3) button.

Forms that you should complete for the patient include:

  • MHTC Consent to Treatment – You should complete this consent form for the patient every 14 days.
  • MHTC Nursing Admission – You should complete this form for the patient every 14 days.
  • Administrative Note – You should complete an administrative note for the patient once per week. The note type defaults to Psychiatrist, but you can choose from any of the note types in the dropdown menu. Once you have selected your note type, type in your note in the free text box below, then click the Save button.

Once you have completed any of the forms or added a note for the patient, the system displays the user who created the document and the date and time it was completed in the appropriate column with a blue checkmark.

You can also move the patient off the Referral tab and into the appropriate queue by selecting the toggle switch next to the patient’s name, then selecting the Move To Queue option from the Action dropdown menu and clicking the Perform Action button. The system displays the Move To Queue window, where you can select from one of the following queues:

  1. ACU Obs I 
  2. ACU Obs II
  3. TRU
  4. CCU

MHTC – Medical Patient Summary

You can view general information about the patient, their demographics, current program details, and more. Any administrative notes, forms, and summaries that have been completed on the patient are included on this screen.

You can also add an attachment from this screen, and it will be added directly into the patient’s chart. When you click the Add Attachment button, the system displays the Add New Attachment screen.

  1. Click the Browse button to select the file that you want to attach.
  2. Select the type of document you are attaching.
  3. If necessary, select another attribute to include about the attachment.
  4. Enter the date of service associated with the document you are adding. The system defaults to the current date and time.
  5. Click this checkbox to add the patient into the Behavioral Health Queue. The patient will appear on the Records Review tab.
  6. Click the Save button to save the attachment. The system displays a success message at the top of the screen in green.  When you return to the Main Patient Screen, you can view the document in the History Window.

ACU Obs I Tab

Once the patient has been placed into the Acute Care Unit, the following forms must be completed as part of the clinical management of the patient. Patients can be placed in this queue from the Referral tab. A patient must have a MHTC Consent to Treatment and an MHTC Nursing Admission form due upon admission into this queue.

The screen contains the following fields and columns of information that pertain to the specific form when you complete it for the patient:

  • Refresh button – Click this button to refresh the screen.
  • Add Patient button – Click this button to admit a patient into the MHTC – Medical program. The system displays the Admit Patient screen, where you can use the dropdown to select your patient from the list. They will be added to the Referral tab so you can begin the necessary documentation.
  • First Name – This field displays the patient’s first name.
  • Last Name – This field displays the patient’s last name.
  • Booking Number – This field displays the patient’s booking number. You can click this hyperlink to view the patient summary.

To complete any of the forms, select the toggle switch (1) next to the patient’s name, then select an Action (2) from the dropdown menu. Choose the form you want to complete, then click the Perform Action (3) button.

Forms that you should complete for the patient include:

  • MHTC Nursing Observation – You must complete this form every 12 hours for the patient while the patient is in the ACU.
  • MHTC Daily Nursing Assessment – You must complete the Daily Nursing Assessment for once per day while the patient is in the ACU.
  • Provider Daily Documentation – Providers must complete a daily documentation form by entering either a Quick or SOAP Note once per day. They can also order any medications, treatments, appointments, diets, and other items directly from this form.

Once you have completed any of the forms for the patient, the system begins a timer which counts down the days and time until the next assessment is due for the patient. Patients that are overdue display in red.

  • MHTC Nursing Observation (Timer) – Displays the date and time the next nursing observation is due for the patient.
  • MHTC Daily Nursing Assessment (Timer) – Displays the date and time the next nursing assessment is due for the patient.
  • MHTC Provider Daily Documentation (Timer) – Displays the date and time the next provider note is due for the patient.

You can also move the off this queue and into the next appropriate queue by selecting the toggle switch next to the patient’s name, then selecting the Move To Queue option from the Action dropdown menu and clicking the Perform Action button.

ACU Obs II Tab

Once the patient has been placed into the Acute Care Unit, the following forms must be completed as part of the clinical management of the patient. Patients can be placed in this queue from the Referral tab. A patient must have a MHTC Consent to Treatment and an MHTC Nursing Admission form due upon admission into this queue.

The screen contains the following fields and columns of information that pertain to the specific form when you complete it for the patient:

  • Refresh button – Click this button to refresh the screen.
  • Add Patient button – Click this button to admit a patient into the MHTC – Medical program. The system displays the Admit Patient screen, where you can use the dropdown to select your patient from the list. They will be added to the Referral tab so you can begin the necessary documentation.
  • First Name – This field displays the patient’s first name.
  • Last Name – This field displays the patient’s last name.
  • Booking Number – This field displays the patient’s booking number. You can click this hyperlink to view the patient summary.

To complete any of the forms, select the toggle switch (1) next to the patient’s name, then select an Action (2) from the dropdown menu. Choose the form you want to complete, then click the Perform Action (3) button.

Forms that you should complete for the patient include:

  • MHTC Nursing Observation – You must complete this form every 12 hours for the patient while the patient is in the ACU.
  • MHTC Daily Nursing Assessment – You must complete the Daily Nursing Assessment for once per day while the patient is in the ACU.
  • Provider Daily Documentation – Providers must complete a daily documentation form by entering either a Quick or SOAP Note once per day. They can also order any medications, treatments, appointments, diets, and other items directly from this form.

Once you have completed any of the forms for the patient, the system begins a timer which counts down the days and time until the next assessment is due for the patient. Patients that are overdue display in red.

  • MHTC Nursing Observation (Timer) – Displays the date and time the next nursing observation is due for the patient.
  • MHTC Daily Nursing Assessment (Timer) – Displays the date and time the next nursing assessment is due for the patient.
  • MHTC Provider Daily Documentation (Timer) – Displays the date and time the next provider note is due for the patient.

You can also move the off this queue and into the next appropriate queue by selecting the toggle switch next to the patient’s name, then selecting the Move To Queue option from the Action dropdown menu and clicking the Perform Action button.


Once the patient has been placed into the Therapeutic Restriction Unit, the following forms must be completed as part of the clinical management of the patient. Patients can be placed in this queue from the Referral tab. A patient must have a MHTC Consent to Treatment and an MHTC Nursing Admission form due upon admission into this queue.

The screen contains the following fields and columns of information that pertain to the specific form when you complete it for the patient:

  • Refresh button – Click this button to refresh the screen.
  • Add Patient button – Click this button to admit a patient into the MHTC – Medical program. The system displays the Admit Patient screen, where you can use the dropdown to select your patient from the list. They will be added to the Referral tab so you can begin the necessary documentation.
  • First Name – This field displays the patient’s first name.
  • Last Name – This field displays the patient’s last name.
  • Booking Number – This field displays the patient’s booking number. You can click this hyperlink to view the patient summary.

To complete any of the forms, select the toggle switch (1) next to the patient’s name, then select an Action (2) from the dropdown menu. Choose the form you want to complete, then click the Perform Action (3) button.

Forms that you should complete for the patient include:

  • MHTC Nursing Observation – You must complete this form every 12 hours for the patient while the patient is in the TRU.
  • MHTC Daily Nursing Assessment – You must complete the Daily Nursing Assessment for once per day while the patient is in the TRU.
  • Provider Daily Documentation – Providers must complete a daily documentation form by entering either a Quick or SOAP Note once per day. They can also order any medications, treatments, appointments, diets, and other items directly from this form.

Once you have completed any of the forms for the patient, the system begins a timer which counts down the days and time until the next assessment is due for the patient. Patients that are overdue display in red.

  • MHTC Nursing Observation (Timer) – Displays the date and time the next nursing observation is due for the patient.
  • MHTC Daily Nursing Assessment (Timer) – Displays the date and time the next nursing assessment is due for the patient.
  • MHTC Provider Daily Documentation (Timer) – Displays the date and time the next provider note is due for the patient.

You can also move the off this queue and into the next appropriate queue by selecting the toggle switch next to the patient’s name, then selecting the Move To Queue option from the Action dropdown menu and clicking the Perform Action button.


Once the patient has been placed into the Chronic Care Unit, the following forms must be completed as part of the clinical management of the patient. Patients can be placed in this queue from the Referral tab. A patient must have a MHTC Consent to Treatment and an MHTC Nursing Admission form due upon admission into this queue.

The screen contains the following fields and columns of information that pertain to the specific form when you complete it for the patient:

  • Refresh button – Click this button to refresh the screen.
  • Add Patient button – Click this button to admit a patient into the MHTC – Medical program. The system displays the Admit Patient screen, where you can use the dropdown to select your patient from the list. They will be added to the Referral tab so you can begin the necessary documentation.
  • First Name – This field displays the patient’s first name.
  • Last Name – This field displays the patient’s last name.
  • Booking Number – This field displays the patient’s booking number. You can click this hyperlink to view the patient summary.

To complete any of the forms, select the toggle switch (1) next to the patient’s name, then select an Action (2) from the dropdown menu. Choose the form you want to complete, then click the Perform Action (3) button.

Forms that you should complete for the patient include:

  • MHTC Nursing Observation – You must complete this form every 12 hours for the patient while the patient is in the CCU.
  • Provider Daily Documentation – Providers must complete a daily documentation form by entering either a Quick or SOAP Note once per day. They can also order any medications, treatments, appointments, diets, and other items directly from this form.

Once you have completed any of the forms for the patient, the system begins a timer which counts down the days and time until the next assessment is due for the patient. Patients that are overdue display in red.

  • MHTC Nursing Observation (Timer) – Displays the date and time the next nursing observation is due for the patient.
  • MHTC Provider Daily Documentation (Timer) – Displays the date and time the next provider note is due for the patient.

You can also move the off this queue and into the next appropriate queue by selecting the toggle switch next to the patient’s name, then selecting the Move To Queue option from the Action dropdown menu and clicking the Perform Action button.

© 2024 TechCare® User Manual - Version 5.0 / Proprietary & Confidential

Lab Order Education Information

REMINDER: Lab Orders that you enter into TechCare for Garcia go directly to the lab vendor via an electronic interface.

To start a lab order for a patient, click the Start Lab Order link from the Main Patient Screen.

The system displays the Start Lab Order screen as shown below.

Tips and Tricks
  1. When you select the Lab Vendor (1) from the first dropdown menu, your list in the Order (2) dropdown menu will display only those options from Garcia (or whatever lab vendor you choose).
    • Note: LabCorp appears in this list in preparation for the men’s facilities go-live later in the year, as Otero County utilizes LabCorp. Therefore, narrowing your list by lab vendor first will help minimize human error of inadvertently choosing a LabCorp test.
  2. The Order dropdown list is wildcarded. You can type in any portion of the name of the lab to search for what you need to order.
    • Note: NaphCare is looking into also displaying the LAB CODE in this list for user-friendliness, as we know several users may prefer to search by specific code vs. name.
  3. You can use the Add Order to Cart feature if you want to order multiple lab tests at once for the patient versus entering in one test per order. Simply enter the information for the first test you want to order and click Add Order to Cart. The screen will clear so you can choose the next test and enter information for it. Click the Add Order to Cart link again. Once you have entered all the lab tests, click the Save button.

Lab Order Management

In the Lab Order Management Queue, you can complete multiple labs for the same patient at the same time. Use the toggle switches to select the labs you want to complete, then click the Complete button.

When you select both labs and complete them at the same time, both entries will be placed on the same requisition for Garcia. Additionally, when printing the requisitions, Garcia prefers that they be printed in PORTRAIT (5) mode (instead of Landscape mode). Garcia has received some requisitions in landscape format.

Below you can see the requisition showing the 2 orders for the patient. When you are setting your printing options, choose the Portrait layout before you print.

© 2024 TechCare® User Manual - Version 5.0 / Proprietary & Confidential

Medications Transfer Process when a patient moves from NMCD Facility to Otero County Private Facility

The patient will bring their medications with them from the NMCD facility to the Otero facility. The clinicians at Otero will administer the patient’s medications from this supply first.

TechCare® Business Process:

  1. When the patient leaves NMCD facility with their medications, clinicians at that facility will be responsible for discontinuing the medication in TechCare®. The system will notify BosWell via the interface from TechCare® that the medication was discontinued from the chart, prompting BosWell to close the order in their system as well.
  2. The clinician must enter the reason for discontinuing the medication in the Discontinuing Drug Order window.
  3. When the patient arrives at Otero, clinicians at that facility will create a new medication order in TechCare® as a profile-only medication, for the remaining supply on-hand with the patient.
  4. When the patient is running low on the medication, Otero facility clinicians will create a new non-Profile Only medication order for the patient, if they are to remain on this medication. TechCare® communicates directly with the pharmacy vendors via interfaces and knows that Otero-based medication orders are fulfilled by Diamond. The order will be submitted to Diamond as the fulfilling pharmacy for that facility.

© 2024 TechCare® User Manual - Version 5.0 / Proprietary & Confidential

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