Within the Cosigning Queue, you can review and sign-off any notes, medications, diagnostics, and records that a non-licensed clinician has completed for a patient. Access to this queue is controlled with role-based permissions and can be used by both Medical and Behavioral Health staff. To access this queue, click the Dashboard option from the Global Menu, then click Cosigning Queue.
The system displays the Cosigning Queue. There are four tabs across the top of the screen (click any of the links to jump to the tab):
No matter which tab you are on in the queue, you have the same filter options available to use. You can use the Search Filters at the top of the screen to refine your search.
Options include:
- Date – You can change the date filter to reflect the most commonly used filter types (last day, the last 7, 30 or 90 days, week to date, month to date, year to date, beginning of time), or you can use a custom date filter to select only the dates you want to view.
- Type – You can narrow the list of items by Type when you select an option from this dropdown menu.
- Status – You can change the Status field to show those patients whose cosigning records are Closed. The system defaults to Open, displaying those patients who still need review.
- In Custody – Select this checkbox to view the information for those patients who are in custody. If you deselect the checkbox, you will see all patients, regardless of status.
- Cosigner – Use this dropdown menu to narrow the list of items by cosigner. The system defaults to All.
- Completed By – Use this dropdown menu to select a name from the list and narrow the list of items by who completed it. The system defaults to All.
- Refresh – After you have used the filters to narrow your list, click the Refresh button to narrow your results that appear below.
- Print – Click this button if you want to print the list.
Action Menu
Once you filter your list, you can right-click on any patient to view the Action menu.
Choose what you would like to do from the following options:
- Print – Select this option to print the note, medication, diagnostic order, or record.
- Export – Select this option to export the note, medication, diagnostic order, or record.
- View – Click this option to view a detailed record of the note, medication, diagnostic order, or record.
- View Chart – Select this option if you want to open the patient’s chart.
- View Vital Signs – Click this option if you want to view the patient’s last recorded vital signs.
- View Flags – Select this option to view the patient’s flag history.
- View Allergies – Click this option to view all of the patient’s allergies.
- View Drugs – Select this option to view the patient’s drug order history.
- View Progress Notes – Click this option to view any progress notes added for the patient.
- Sign Off – Select this option if you want to sign off approval on the individual note, medication, diagnostic order, or record.
Notes Tab
The Notes Tab in the Cosigning Queue displays any notes that have been entered for the patient which needs a licensed reviewer’s approval.
You can right-click your mouse on any patient and access an Action Menu as mentioned above. You can view the information in the following fields:
- Patient ID – This field displays the patient’s Identification Number. Click the link to go to the Main Patient Screen.
- Patient Name – This field displays the patient’s name.
- Name – Displays the name of the note that was entered for the patient.
- Type – This field displays the Type of Note or Form that was entered for the patient.
- Stamp – This field displays the date and time of the clinician who entered the note or form.
- Completed By – This field displays the name of the user who completed the note or form.
- Cosigner – This field displays the name of the reviewer who cosigned the note or form.
- Cosign Date – This field displays the date that the note or form was cosigned by a reviewer.
Medications Tab
The Medications Tab in the Cosigning Queue displays any medications that have been ordered for the patient which needs a licensed reviewer’s approval.
You can right-click your mouse on any patient and access an Action Menu as mentioned above. You can view the information in the following fields:
- Patient ID – This field displays the patient’s Identification Number. Click the link to go to the Main Patient Screen.
- Patient Name – This field displays the patient’s name.
- Name – Displays the name of the medication that was entered for the patient.
- Type – This field displays the medication type that was entered for the patient.
- Stamp – This field displays the date and time of the reviewer who entered the medication.
- Completed By – This field displays the name of the user who entered the medication.
- Cosigner – This field displays the name of the reviewer who cosigned the medication order.
- Cosign Date – This field displays the date that the medication was cosigned by a reviewer.
Diagnostics Tab
The Diagnostics Tab in the Cosigning Queue displays any lab or other diagnostic testing that has been ordered for the patient.
You can right-click your mouse on any patient and access an Action Menu as mentioned above. You can view the information in the following fields:
- Patient ID – This field displays the patient’s Identification Number. Click the link to go to the Main Patient Screen.
- Patient Name – This field displays the patient’s name.
- Name – Displays the name of the diagnostic test that was entered for the patient.
- Type – This field displays the type of diagnostic test that was entered for the patient.
- Stamp – This field displays the date and time of the reviewer who entered the diagnostic test.
- Completed By – This field displays the name of the user who entered the diagnostic test.
- Cosigner – This field displays the name of the reviewer who cosigned the diagnostic order.
- Cosign Date – This field displays the date that the diagnostic order was cosigned by a reviewer.
Records Tab
The Records Tab in the Cosigning Queue displays any forms or documents that have been scanned into a patient’s chart that need to be reviewed and cosigned.
You can right-click your mouse on any patient and access an Action Menu as mentioned above. You can view the information in the following fields:
- Patient ID – This field displays the patient’s Identification Number. Click the link to go to the Main Patient Screen.
- Patient Name – This field displays the patient’s name.
- Name – Displays the name of the form or scanned document that was entered for the patient.
- Type – This field displays the type of scanned document or form that was entered for the patient.
- Stamp – This field displays the date and time of the reviewer who completed the form or scanned in the document.
- Completed By – This field displays the name of the user who completed the form or scanned in the document.
- Cosigner – This field displays the name of the reviewer who cosigned the form or scanned in the document.
- Cosign Date – This field displays the date that the form or scanned document was cosigned by a reviewer.